domingo, março 6


"Quando alguém conta uma mentira que nem a ti nem a outrem causa prejuízo, deixa que o teu coração diga que a casa dos feitos desse alguém é pequena demais para a sua imaginação, e ele, para se dar espaço, tem de abandoná-la  de vez em quando".
Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)
"In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that he did not limit his stupidity."
A.Schlesinger, citando o chanceler Konrad Adenauer, in Kennedy - a thousand days.
"My mouth is full of decayed teeth and may soul of decayed ambitions."
in Letters of James Joyce – edited by Richard Ellmann.
"He was not afraid of himself, but was quite consciously afraid of society, which he knew by instinct to be a malevolent, partly insane beast".
D.H. Lawrence, in Lady Chaterley's lover.